Album library

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Počty do pěti

Počty do pěti

Czech version of the Count to Five album.

Author: Edudadoo
Language: Czech
Images: 15

Count to Five

Count to Five

Counting to five with pieces of fruit.

Author: Edudadoo
Language: English
Images: 15

Základní tvary

Základní tvary

Czech version of the Basic Shapes album.

Author: Edudadoo
Language: Czech
Images: 8

Basic Shapes

Basic Shapes

A few of the most basic shapes.

Author: Edudadoo
Language: English
Obrázků: 8

Rozšířené tvary

Rozšířené tvary

Czech version of the Extended Shapes album.

Author: Edudadoo
Language: Czech
Images: 20

Extended Shapes

Extended Shapes

The Basic album extended with more difficult geometrical shapes.

Author: Edudadoo
Language: English
Images: 20

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